How to check the row and then highlight the first cell of the row

Question asked by user @ Excel forum:- 

How to check the row and then highlight the first cell of the row through conditional formatting ?

I have created task completed YES/NO excel sheet. I have used conditional formatting as you can see, YES turns Green, No turns Red. There are task for 5 Stores.I need to use conditional formatting in cell A2:A11 with following condition:
If any cell in particular task is incomplete (NO) then highlight cell in column A RED otherwise turn Green. Basically looking at the data cell A2,A5,A8 needs to turn green and rest needs to turn Red

image 1


To highlight the cells on the basis of rows, follow below given steps:-

  • Select the Column A.
  • Then click on “Conditional Formatting” drop down list will appear, where we have to select “Manage Rules”  dialog box will get open.
  • Where we have to click on “New Rule”, New Formatting Rule dialog box will get appear, click on Use a formula to determine which cells to format.
  • To highlight the cell for “YES” enter the formula.
  • =COUNTIF(B2:F2,"Yes")=5
  • Click on Format and select the Green color.

image 2


  • Click on ok.
  • To highlight the cell for “NO” enter the formula.
  • =COUNTIF(B2:F2,"No")
  • Click on Format and select the Red color.

image 3


  • Click on ok.
  • Then click on Apply, and ok.

image 4


Main Page

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How to Highlight a row on the basis of Cell

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How to check the row and then highlight the first cell of the row

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  1. You tell the user to enter the same formula in both cases.
    That's what happens when you copy and paste and forget to edit. 🙂

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