How to colour Gridlinies in Excel

In this article, we will learn How to colour Gridlinies in Excel. Scenario: Default features of Excel helps you work on data rather than its...

Selecting a sheet from shortcut menu in Microsoft Excel

To the left of the sheet tabs in the horizontal scroll bar row are several small arrow buttons. Place the mouse pointer over one of the arrows and rig...

Selecting a Sheet in the Workbook

Using keyboard shortcuts To select to the next sheet in the workbook, press Ctrl+Page Down. To select to the previous sheet in the workbook, press...

Increasing/Decreasing the Screen Magnification Percentage

To quickly increase or decrease the screen magnification percentage: 1. Select a cell. 2. Press Ctrl, and roll the mouse wheel forward (to increas...

How to Color Sheet Tabs in Excel

In this article, we will learn How to Color Sheet Tabs in Excel. How to edit format tab color? Introduction to Excel worksheet workbook, Her...

Open file as copy in Excel 2007

Sometimes you need to make a copy of the file and work on it, so that you do not alter the original file.  When you open a file as a copy, a duplicat...

How to Open file as copy in Excel

In this article, we will learn How to Open file as a copy in Excel. Why open a file as a copy? When a user needs to open a file and needs to...

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