Go Abreast on Conditional Formatting and its Details

In this article, we will learn Go Abreast on Conditional Formatting and its Details in Excel

What is Conditional Formatting?

Conditional formatting is defined as a tool that is used to apply formats to a cell or range of cells. Now the formatting can change depending upon the value of that cell or the conditional formatting formula. Remember you can change a cell into bold if the value in that cell is higher than 100. Now the value of the cell can be equal to format conditioning, in that case the format is applied in that cell. But sometimes the value of the cell is not equal to formatting and in that case the default formatting is used and also applied.

Conditional formatting Access- how it helps?

For applying formatting to a cell you have to follow a few simple processes. First you select the range of cells where you want to apply the format. Then you select the CF dialog box available in the dialog menu.

Then you have to select the operation. Once it is done you have to enter the value for that particular condition. Then click the ‘format’ button seen on the dialog box. Your job is done. Conditional formatting access is used when there is more than one or many format conditioning for any cell.

In case of many conditional formatting, the first one is selected only if it is true. You can access conditional formatting if there are more than one format conditions or multiple conditioning formatting available for a cell. Remember conditions can never combine.

Conditional formatting formula is used to determine if the format conditions should be used or not. You can also use a custom formula for a cell. To enter your custom formula, you have to change the ‘cell value is’ to ‘formula is’ in the CF box. A text box will appear where you have to enter the formula. Now your formula will show either of the options, true or false. In case of true, the format condition will be applied.

Conditional formatting can also be done based on other cells. There is a certain process that you have to follow for using conditional formatting that is based on other cells. For excel conditional formatting dates, you have to use the Date function to use the table of dates that will be available from another sheet. This will help in conditional formatting dates.

Word conditional formatting is possible when a condition is met. In this case it is possible to format a word table cell especially when a condition is met. You should know that pivot table conditional formatting is possible with VB that is visual basic. XSL conditional formatting follows a series of processes and you have to know it if you want to use the extension xsl for conditional formatting.

Example :

All of these might be confusing to understand. Let's understand how to use the function using an example.

Here I have some data on fruits. I just want to highlight the entire row if the fruit rate is greater than 100.

Select the first row of table (A2:C2).

  1. Go to conditional formatting and click on the new rule. You can use a sequential shortcut ALT>H>L>N.
  2. Select “use a formula to determine which cell to format”.
  3. Write this formula.



It is necessary to select the entire row before doing conditional formatting.

  1. Click on format and choose yellow in fill. Hit ok.

Copy this range and paste the special format to entire table.

Now each row will be highlighted whose rate is greater than 100. Here I have hardcoded the criteria, but you can give cell reference too.

How does it work?

Well, it is quite simple.  We simply check if value in $C2 is greater than 100 or not. If it is, we tell excel to highlight the entire row.

Note that only Column C is frozen using $ and row are left relative. It is because we want to change the lookup row when we copy the conditional formatting and the column stands absolute. In the end we get highlighted rows that contain values greater than 100. Learn about referencing in detail here.

Hope this article about Go Abreast on Conditional Formatting and its Details is explanatory. Find more articles on highlighting values and related Excel formulas here. If you liked our blogs, share it with your friends on Facebook. And also you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We would love to hear from you, do let us know how we can improve, complement or innovate our work and make it better for you. Write to us at info@exceltip.com.

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