In this article, we will create custom function to find unique values from the defined range. Raw data for this example consists of duplicate entries...
In this article, we will create a custom function or UDF to calculate the shift adherence time for the agents. Raw data for this example consists of ...
In this example, we will create a custom function to find the week number for the specified date. For this example, sample data consists of employeeâ...
In this article, we will create a User Defined Function (UDF) to count the number of working days between the specified dates, including or excludin...
In this article, we will create a User Defined Function (UDF) to check whether it is holiday on the specified date, including or excluding Saturdays a...
In this article, we will create a user defined function (UDF) or custom function to find the first date for any given week, considering Monday as the ...
It's possible to achieve this with the built-in COUNT() or COUNTA() function, but that can be a big task if the workbook contains many worksheets,or ...
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