Assign group of size n based on numbers in Excel

In this article, we will learn to return Assign group of size n based on numbers in Excel.

In simple words, while working with a dataset where groups are assigned based on numbers . Sometimes, we need to assign IDs based on numbers in excel. Condition is to get the group of size 5 based on numbers.

How to solve the problem?

For this article we will be needing the use the following functions:

  1. CEILING function
  2. RANK function

Now we will make a formula out of these functions. Here we will be given a list of values and we need to get their respective group ranked up by numbers.

Use the formula:

= CEILING ( RANK ( number , range ) / size , 1 )

range : list of numbers

number : rank on the basis of number.

size : group size


All of these might be confusing to understand. So, let's test this formula via running it on the example shown below.

Here we have given data containing numbers. Here we need to find the group number based on the given number and size 5. So for that we have assigned lists in a column for the formula.

Now we will use the formula below to get the first number of its group.

= CEILING ( RANK ( C3 , Value ) / 5 , 1 )


  • RANK ( C3 , Value ) returns the rank as 15.
  • The rank is then further divided by size 5 returns 3.
  • CEILING function rounds up the number to the nearest integer, if the divide operation returns the decimal number

The formula must retrurn 3 as the group number to the first value. Here the array to the function is given as named range and cell as cell_reference. Press Enter to get the result.

As you can see the formula works fine. Now we need to copy the formula for the other lists. So use the CTRL + D or drag down option of excel.

As you can see from the above formula, you can assign a group rank of size 5 based on numbers in Excel using the above explained procedure.

You can also use the ROUNDUP function instead of the CEILING function. ROUNDUP function rounds up the number up to the nearest integer value.
Use the formula:

= ROUNDUP ( RANK ( C3 , Value ) / 5 , 1 )

Here are some observational results using the function


  1. The formula considers non - numeric values as 0s.
  2. The formula considers logic value TRUE as 1 and False as 0.
  3. The argument array must be of the same length, otherwise the formula returns error.

Hope this article about how to Assign group of size n based on numbers in Excel is explanatory. Find more articles on SUMPRODUCT functions here. Please share your query below in the comment box. We will assist you.

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