How to consolidate lists While Adding Links to the Source Data in Excel

In this article, we will learn How to consolidate lists While Adding Links to the Source Data in Excel.

What is consolidate in Excel

Group subtotal data from different worksheets or different workbooks. Apply aggregate functions like Sum, Count, Average, Max, min, etc on the grouped data. For example getting the sum of sales of different months, where different months data is separated among different sheets. For these problems we access the Consolidate option in Excel. Consolidate option allows you to aggregate values from different opened workbooks.

Consolidate option in Excel

You will find the Consolidate option under Data > Data tools > Consolidate.

You just have to follow the steps as explained below using an example.

Example :

All of these might be confusing to understand. Let's understand how to use the function using an example. Here we have Cricket sports equipment data in three different sheets. We need to get the sum of all the equipment.




Now we use consolidate option

Go to Data > Consolidate

Consolidate dialog box appears.

Select the Sum function

Now select the first range from Sheet 1 from Reference option and click add. You will see the list added in All references. Similarly add all the lists and Click Ok. Make sure to check the box Create link to Source Data.

You will see the sum of sports equipment on the new sheet. The data is grouped into levels. Click on 2 on the top left corner to see another level.

Here are all the observational notes using the Consolidate option in Excel
Notes :

  1. The Consolidate option sometimes throws an error. So check and follow the steps again to get the result
  2. You can aggregate functions like SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, PRODUCT, STDEV and VAR functions. Select any one from the function list.
  3. If we don't check the Top row and Left column in the Consolidate option, Excel sums all cells that have the same position. This is only important when the selected references are not in order. we want Excel to sum cells that have the same labels

Hope this article about How to consolidate lists While Adding Links to the Source Data in Excel is explanatory. Find more articles on calculating values and related Excel formulas here. If you liked our blogs, share it with your friends on Facebook. And also you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We would love to hear from you, do let us know how we can improve, complement or innovate our work and make it better for you. Write to us at

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