Restricting the Automatic Recalculation of Volatile Functions

Problem: When using volatile functions, such as NOW and RANDBETWEEN, the results change whenever changes are made to the worksheet. Can we restric...

How to Get filename in Excel

In this article, we will learn How to Get filename in Excel. Scenario: Working with excel file information using excel formula is easy, conv...

Rounding a Value to Make It Divisible by a Specified Number

Problem: Rounding up each number in column A to the nearest value that makes it divisible by the corresponding number in column B. Solution: ...

Calculating the Proportion of Characters from One String that Appears in another String

Problem: Calculating the percentage of the characters from each string in column B that appear within the corresponding string in column A. Solu...

Returning the Nth Largest / Smallest Values in a Range in Microsoft Excel 2010

If we have a list and we want to find the nth largest or smallest number then we can use the LARGE and SMALL functions.   LARGE function: ...

Counting the number of cells containing text in Excel

In this article, we will learn Counting the number of cells containing text in Excel. What is COUNTIFS with criteria ? In simple words, whil...

Retrieving Each Row Number that Corresponds with Successful Matches in a Look Up

Problem: We want to search List1 (column A) for the value stored in cell B2 and retrieve the row numbers that correspond with every successful matc...

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