How to use the AVERAGEIF function in Excel

In this article, we will learn How to use the AVERAGEIF function in Excel.

AVERAGE or MEAN based on criteria

In EXCEL, while working with mean values or generally called as average of values. Then we use AVERAGE function. But if we have a criteria to match, so use AVERAGEIF function. Use the AVERAGEIFS function to match multiple criteria. Let's understand how AVERAGEIF function syntax and some example to illustrate the function usage.

AVERAGEIF Function in Excel

AVERAGEIF function commutes the average of the array that meets the supplied SINGLE statement.

AVERAGEIF Function Syntax:

=AVERAGEIF (range, criteria, [average_range])

range : where criteria is applied.

criteria : condition to be applied

[average range] : [optional] range where the average need to be calculated, if it is different from the first range provided as argument

Example :

All of these might be confusing to understand. Let's understand how to use the function using an example. Here we have a list of fruits with color and their weight.

First we will find out the average of overall weight of the fruits having condition <50 Kg.

Use the formula


C2:C10 : range where condition (cell_value<50) satisfies.

<50: condition or criteria

C2:C50 : the average range as no other range is provided.

We got the Average of the cells less than 50.

Now we will compute the Average of the weight having fruit melon.

Use the formula


We got the Average of the cells in colored box.

Now we will compute the Average of the weight not having fruit Banana

Use the formula


We got the Average of the cells in Red colored box.

Now we will compute the Average of the weight having multiple conditions. We need to use AVERAGEIFS function.


  1. Fruit Apple
  2. Color Red

Use the formula

=AVERAGEIFS(C2:C10, A2:A10,"Apple", B2:B10,"Red")

As you can see your Average is here.

Ignore Zero in list using AVERAGEIF function

Here we are given a list of numbers and we need to find the average of numbers where zeroes are ignored and rest are considered.

First of all we need Average of the numbers including zeroes.

This formula will accept values except zero.

Use the formula:

=AVERAGEIF(A2:A21, "<>0")

A2:A21 : range

“<>0” : condition for ignoring zero values.

As you can see the difference in the values. The Average of the numbers ignoring zero is 43.4.

For Blank cells

One more thing that is to understand is the AVERAGE, AVERAGEIF & AVERAGEIFS function ignores blank cells (and cells that contain text values). So there is no need to filter results.

AVERAGEIF with months criteria

Here we have a data from A1:D51. we need to find the AVERAGE of Quantity in the month of January.

First we will find a date which has the first date of the month which is the A2 cell. Named ranges are rng ( D2 : D51 ) and order_date ( A2 : A51).

Use the Formula:

= AVERAGEIFS ( rng , order_date , ">=" & A2 , order_date , "<=" & EOMONTH ( A2 , 0 ) )


  • EOMONTH (A2, 0) returns the 31st January as the last date January.
  • ">=" & A2 returns a criteria that the value greater than date in A2.
  • "<=" & EOMONTH ( A2 , 0 ) ) returns a criteria that the value less than the end of the month date.
  • AVERAGEIFS takes all the above arguments and returns the average of the number given below.

{ 33 ; 87 ; 58 ; 82 ; 38 ; 54 ; 149 ; 51 ; 100 ; 28 ; 36 }

Here the A2 is given as cell reference & Named ranges given as rng ( D2 : D51 ) and order_date ( A2 : A51).

As you can see in the above snapshot the AVERAGE of the quantity in January comes out to be 65.091 .

Now we will get the AVERAGE of the quantity in February by changing the First date argument of the function

Use the Formula:

= AVERAGEIFS ( rng , order_date , ">=" & A13 , order_date , "<=" & EOMONTH ( A13 , 0 ) )

As you can see in the above snapshot the AVERAGE of the quantity in January comes out to be 43.778 .


Here Let’s understand this function using it in an example.

First of all we need Average of the numbers including zeroes.

This formula will accept values except zero.

Use the formula:

=AVERAGEIF(A2:A21, "<>0")

A2:A21 : range

“<>0” : condition for ignoring zero values.

As you can see the difference in the values. The Average of the numbers ignoring zero is 43.4.

If you don't have any zero value in the array. You can use the return zero out of all the error values and use the formula how to take the average of numbers ignoring zeros here. But this formula doesn't work with error values.

Here are all the observational notes using the AVERAGEIF function in Excel
Notes :

  1. The formula only works with numbers
  2. The function returns #VALUE! error if no value matches the given criteria.
  3. Do not provide date directly to the function. Use DATE function or use cell reference for date argument in excel as Excel reads date only with the correct order.
  4. Different Criteria inside formula is accepted, such as equals to (=), less than (<) , less than or equals to (<=) , greater than or equals to (>=) , greater than (>) & not equals to (<>).

Hope this article about How to use the AVERAGEIF function in Excel is explanatory. Find more articles on calculating values and related Excel formulas here. If you liked our blogs, share it with your friends on Facebook. And also you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We would love to hear from you, do let us know how we can improve, complement or innovate our work and make it better for you. Write to us at

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