Calculating Total Annual Payment Based on Cumulative Monthly Payments

In this article, we will learn How to Calculate Total Annual Payment Based on Cumulative Monthly Payments in Excel. Scenario: While working ...

Calculating the Percentage of Cells in a Range that Contain a Specified String

Problem: We want to create a formula that searches List1 (cells A2:A9) for each string in column B and returns the percentage of cells containing t...

Averaging Values that Correspond with the X Largest Values in a Dynamic Range

Problem: Column A contains dates of recent basketball games. Column B contains the number of points scored by a particular player during each game...

Calculating the Average Growth of a Child

Problem: A child's height has been measured once a year. Columns A & B show the results of these measurements for a period of six years. We w...

Checking for Sequences within a Sorted List

Problem: List1 (column A) is a series of numbers that has been sorted in ascending order. We want to create a formula that will check whether each n...

Creating a List of All Non-Blank Cells in a Column in Microsoft Excel

In this article, you’ll learn how to create a list of non-blank cells in a column in Microsoft Excel. To solve this problem, we will use IF, INDEX, ...

Find the minimum positive value in Microsoft Excel

In this article, we are going to learn how to find the minimum positive value in a range in Microsoft Excel. To return the positive minimum value from...

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