In this article, we will create a macro for sorting data in the sheet by birthday and we will not consider year while sorting the data.
Raw data consists of two columns, one contains the name and second column contains the birth date.
Logic explanation
We have created a macro, “sorting_names_by_birthday” which will sort the data.
In this macro, firstly we insert formulas in the column C where we find the difference between the birth date and first date of their birth year. Then we sort the data by Name for sorting data in alphabetical order so that if two candidates have same birth date then their names should appear in alphabetical order. Then we sort the data by calculating difference in ascending order to sort data by birthday. After sorting the data, for deleting the formulas from the column C, delete the entire column C.
For running the macro, Press Alt +F8 or Go to Developer tab > click on Macro.
Please follow below for the code
Option Explicit Sub sorting_names_by_birthday() 'Disabling screen update Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim Last_Row As Long 'Finding the last row Last_Row = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row Range("C16").Select 'Getting the days of the year 'Subtracting first date of the year from date of birthday ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]-DATE(YEAR(RC[-1]),1,1)" 'Dragging the formula Range("C16:C" & Last_Row).Select Selection.FillDown 'Sorting the data first by column A then by column C Range("A15").CurrentRegion.Sort _ key1:=Range("C15"), order1:=xlAscending, _ key2:=Range("A15"), order2:=xlAscending, _ Header:=xlYes 'Deleting the column C Columns("C").Delete Range("A15").Select End Sub
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