How to open saved workbook in Excel

In this article, we will learn How to open a saved workbook in Excel.

Scenario :

Creating a new workbook, Saving current workbook and opening a saved workbook are the basic tasks, you should know in Excel. For Example opening a new blank workbook or opening a saved workbook from the system or saving the current workbook. To perform all the above mentioned tasks you can either use shortcut or Go to File tab and select the option.

File tab in Excel

FIle tab in excel contains the following options.

  • Info : to know information about the current workbook
  • New : Open a new blank workbook
  • Open : open saved workbook from the options
  • Save : Save the current workbook
  • Save as : Save the current workbook with different name
  • Print : Print current workbook sheet
  • Share : Share current excel workbook
  • Export : Export current workbook
  • Publish : Publish current workbook
  • Close : Close or Exit current workbook
  • Account : Enable Account options for current workbook
  • Options : Enable or disable default options for Excel on your system

Example :

All of these might be confusing to understand. Let's understand how to use the function using an example. Here we need to open a sample workbook by name Superstore and it exists in the system. Either use Shortcut Ctrl + O (alphabet O not the number zero). Or go to File tab and select Open. It will show you the options to pick from.

Select Browse in Computer. Then reach the desired folder and select the file and click Open.

The new workbook will open in a new window and the SuperStore file becomes your current workbook. You can also use shortcut to open New Workbook (blank) using Ctrl + N and to save the current workbook use Ctrl + S.

Here are all the observational notes using the formula in Excel
Notes :

  1. There is another keyboard shortcut Alt - F - R to reach Open options step by step.
  2. Using Shortcuts is easy and common practice in Excel.

Hope this article about How to open a saved workbook in Excel is explanatory. Find more articles on calculating values and related Excel formulas here. If you liked our blogs, share it with your friends on Facebook. And also you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook. We would love to hear from you, do let us know how we can improve, complement or innovate our work and make it better for you. Write to us at

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