Coloring and Filtering Lists According to Criteria

To color filtering results according to criteria:
1. Filter the List.
2. Press Ctrl+Shift+* (in Excel 2003, press this or Ctrl+A) to select the Current Region.
3. From the Formatting toolbar, select Fill Color, and choose a color.
4. Repeat the steps above, choosing new criteria and different colors.

Screenshot // Coloring and Filtering Lists According to Criteria
Coloring and Filtering Lists According to CriteriaColoring and Filtering Lists According to CriteriaColoring and Filtering Lists According to Criteria


  1. The solution presented is cumbersome. Easier to set the conditional format to be "1996" or "1997" and lock the column (unlock row) on the reference and color the background on TRUE.

  2. The solution presented is cumbersome. Easier to set the conditional format to be "1996" or "1997" and lock the column (unlock row) on the reference and color the background on TRUE.

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